Getting around town, as in any game, is a learning process. It’s made more challenging in Thief with the additional option of moving from one area to another, not only through city streets but, over the rooftops. These alternate paths can be very tricky to navigate. Here are some maps that should help you find your way.
I’m not going to bother writing any guides or walkthroughs for Thief. There are several out there that are very well done so, there’s no need to duplicate them. In fact, there are quite a few video guides that take you through every chapter in the game although, not all the side jobs are so well documented. Achievement guides are plentiful, as well. Here, you’ll find links to the ones that I’ve found to be better than most.
Here is where you’ll find information on Collectables, Client Loot, normal Loot, documents and resources, as well as helpful tips on dealing with hostiles.
…Is the 4th in the series, beginning with “Thief: the Dark project” in 1998,, followed by “thief ii: the metal age” in 2000 and “thief: deadly shadows” in 2004.